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Friday, July 19, 2013

I didn't cheat.....

Day 2 July 19th,

It's amazing I made it through day 1 without cheating. Even knowing there were ice pops in the freezer calling my name.

Lunch yesterday was a lot of cottage cheese and a chicken breast which I ate with 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt mixed with some curry. Dipping the chicken in the curry mixture was delicious and tasty. Thank goodness I am allowed spices. During the afternoon I had some more cottage cheese and a few slices of low salt ham. I was surprised that it held me over until dinner time.

About 2 hours before dinner I was looking for a new recipe for my steak and found :The Dukan Cuban Skirt Steak recipe.

 I marinated a nice size skirt steak in a large baggie. My marinade was lime juice, lime zest, onion & garlic powder, scallions, soy sauce, cumin, oregano, red pepper flakes and 1 truvia (natural derivative of stevia). I took it out of the refrigerator about 20 minutes before putting it on the grill. I can tell you that it was full of flavors, and the most tender ever. I probably could have had 10 LBS of it but I didn't !
For dessert I mixed a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of natural oat bran ,some cinnamon and one truvia, just to appease my sweet tooth.

I drank a lot of seltzer (plain) all day long as recommended and did my 20 minute workout on my treadmill.

It was a great day because I didn't feel deprived or tired, or irritated.

This morning I made the Dukan galette and it was delicious, especially since I added some cinnamon, and chia seeds in it. it's made with Greek yogurt and oat bran plus 2 eggs. Once cooked I added a little low fat cream cheese and ate it like a sandwich. This was quite satisfying along with my coffee. Now off to do a workout on my treadmill. Until tomorrow my friends...............

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