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Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 5 on the Dukan Diet - Big Girls Don't Cry

The weekend went by too fast, doesn't it always ? I spent it mostly outside keeping busy not focusing on salad, cheese, pate, French bread, vegetables and wine, the things I miss most about being on the "attack phase" of this plan. Three more days and I will be able to incorporate vegetables every other day.

This attack plan made meals easy, in a sense it made them much less work.
Saturday night was rough. Out to dinner with friends at a nice restaurant, The Public House 49 in Patchogue . It was hard enough not ordering a cocktail when everyone else did, but I made due with a diet coke ( I never have that, so it was a treat) I needed a change from the plain seltzer I dink every day. I had no trouble skipping the appetizer as I do very often anyway.

My main meal was a beautiful Prime aged Rib eye, a super tender steak, served without sauce Bearnaise. Yes I almost cried. The rest of the plate was filled with perfectly cut thin fries, which I had none of.....not even one ! So I quickly dispersed them to the others dining with me.

Thankfully no one had dessert. I think that would have pushed me over the edge !
I don't remember ever NOT cheating on any diet so this was an occasion that merited a medal (made of chocolate). I was skeptical about going out to a restaurant in the first place since I knew it would be difficult and also because Dr. Dukan strongly discourages it during this phase, which is restricted to protein and some dairy. But that will all change in a few days.

Last night, Sunday, my hubby made me delicious grilled turkey burgers Moroccan style. Filled with my favorite spices : cumin, parsley, garlic, allspice and cinnamon. I made a mint & garlic Greek yogurt sauce to accompany them. I must confess, I didn't miss the buns at all.

Today will be a fish day, because I am not a huge red meat eater to start with and I need a change. After all it does take 2 days for red meat to be digested (so they say).

To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.  ~Proverb

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