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Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 5 on the Dukan Diet - Big Girls Don't Cry

The weekend went by too fast, doesn't it always ? I spent it mostly outside keeping busy not focusing on salad, cheese, pate, French bread, vegetables and wine, the things I miss most about being on the "attack phase" of this plan. Three more days and I will be able to incorporate vegetables every other day.

This attack plan made meals easy, in a sense it made them much less work.
Saturday night was rough. Out to dinner with friends at a nice restaurant, The Public House 49 in Patchogue . It was hard enough not ordering a cocktail when everyone else did, but I made due with a diet coke ( I never have that, so it was a treat) I needed a change from the plain seltzer I dink every day. I had no trouble skipping the appetizer as I do very often anyway.

My main meal was a beautiful Prime aged Rib eye, a super tender steak, served without sauce Bearnaise. Yes I almost cried. The rest of the plate was filled with perfectly cut thin fries, which I had none of.....not even one ! So I quickly dispersed them to the others dining with me.

Thankfully no one had dessert. I think that would have pushed me over the edge !
I don't remember ever NOT cheating on any diet so this was an occasion that merited a medal (made of chocolate). I was skeptical about going out to a restaurant in the first place since I knew it would be difficult and also because Dr. Dukan strongly discourages it during this phase, which is restricted to protein and some dairy. But that will all change in a few days.

Last night, Sunday, my hubby made me delicious grilled turkey burgers Moroccan style. Filled with my favorite spices : cumin, parsley, garlic, allspice and cinnamon. I made a mint & garlic Greek yogurt sauce to accompany them. I must confess, I didn't miss the buns at all.

Today will be a fish day, because I am not a huge red meat eater to start with and I need a change. After all it does take 2 days for red meat to be digested (so they say).

To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.  ~Proverb

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 3 -July 20th

Just for fun I weighed myself this morning and was very excited to see a loss. But the excitement quickly turned to doubt, so I weighed myself 2 more times to make sure my eyes weren't going on me, or better yet the floor wasn't slightly crooked/tilted which would have altered the result (so I moved it a few inches away ). Same result, so I guess it's official, I lost 2.7 LBS since Wednesday.
 My breakfast consisted of a galette made with Greek yogurt, oat bran and 2 eggs, again stuffed with fat free cream cheese, which was very tasty and satisfying, especially with 2 cups of strong coffee.
Later in the morning, as a snack I made my new concoction: 2 tablespoons of non fat cottage cheese mixed with 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.
After working outside today in the horrible heat, I really wanted to sit and have a beer before going out for dinner with friends. I saw it as a reward...what could be wrong with just 1? But then I reasoned with myself and actually talked myself out of it. That my friends, has never happened ! Kudos to me...
For lunch it was a simple plate of London broil and some grilled chicken from last night.
It was enough until about 3 pm, when I actually was in the mood for 3 slices of rolled up ham.
So it seems like I am satisfied with less food, and I am able to drink a tremendous amount of seltzer throughout the day without feeling starved.
Tonight might be a challenge, because this diet discourages people to go out to dinner during the attack phase. But I will prevail and conquer my fear. Hopefully.............

Friday, July 19, 2013

I didn't cheat.....

Day 2 July 19th,

It's amazing I made it through day 1 without cheating. Even knowing there were ice pops in the freezer calling my name.

Lunch yesterday was a lot of cottage cheese and a chicken breast which I ate with 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt mixed with some curry. Dipping the chicken in the curry mixture was delicious and tasty. Thank goodness I am allowed spices. During the afternoon I had some more cottage cheese and a few slices of low salt ham. I was surprised that it held me over until dinner time.

About 2 hours before dinner I was looking for a new recipe for my steak and found :The Dukan Cuban Skirt Steak recipe.

 I marinated a nice size skirt steak in a large baggie. My marinade was lime juice, lime zest, onion & garlic powder, scallions, soy sauce, cumin, oregano, red pepper flakes and 1 truvia (natural derivative of stevia). I took it out of the refrigerator about 20 minutes before putting it on the grill. I can tell you that it was full of flavors, and the most tender ever. I probably could have had 10 LBS of it but I didn't !
For dessert I mixed a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of natural oat bran ,some cinnamon and one truvia, just to appease my sweet tooth.

I drank a lot of seltzer (plain) all day long as recommended and did my 20 minute workout on my treadmill.

It was a great day because I didn't feel deprived or tired, or irritated.

This morning I made the Dukan galette and it was delicious, especially since I added some cinnamon, and chia seeds in it. it's made with Greek yogurt and oat bran plus 2 eggs. Once cooked I added a little low fat cream cheese and ate it like a sandwich. This was quite satisfying along with my coffee. Now off to do a workout on my treadmill. Until tomorrow my friends...............

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Food's going to be tough

Dear blog,

I need accountability, so I am putting this out there....on my public blog to be exact !
Too much wonderful food has forced me to evaluate my life and make drastic cuts and changes in the way I eat and least for a while. I also don't want to be an unhealthy looking MOTB (Mother Of the Bride). That date is creeping up on us quickly and I honestly am so excited for my daughter and future son in law!
Like everyone else in the world I have tried a few diets, and I have tried changing portion sizes as well. Since no Dr. will wire my jaws shut I have to change my ways.
 I'm not going to blame my darn thyroid anymore for all this extra insulation I have (although it's been quite practical to do so). For health reasons and for visual reasons I'm going to follow Dr. Pierre Dukan's diet or way of life. I have researched it for days, read articles, and listened to numerous videos, clips and experts talk about this French Doctor.  And frankly, there's nothing wrong with his ways. This Doctor was introduced to me by two co-workers who like me post food pictures on their social media walls every day. I noticed that their plates were mostly filled with protein and vegetables. So I asked them a few questions and after a few messages back and forth I decided that being French I should give my French neighbor a shot. With that being said I must admit that when I lived in Paris, France I was always thin, yet I ate cream sauces with each meal and had desserts every day. However, I walked everywhere, and I was younger (102 years ago) AND didn't have a thyroid that was dysfunctional. Oops I mentioned it again....
Anyway those Parisian days are long gone and so are the days before having kids and commuting by car to get the smallest item such as milk. Life has changed in many ways obviously, including the way I have been eating for the past 20 years or so. Indulging in rich foods and drinks around the world and here in the US is (was) a hobby and way of life. Unlike many who eat to live, I live to eat.
 I suppose it all started at a very young age with my mother, who was French and was a fabulous cook, she always prepared healthy new dishes that opened my nose & palate to new smells and tastes. I am lucky she was so adventurous and talented in the kitchen.
I was always taught to finish everything on my plate, and like any well raised kid, I listened.
 Except....I finished everyone else's food too......

So today is day 1 of the Dukan diet.
I'm 3 hours into it and so far so good. I've had 2 cups of coffee and fat free half & half, 2 hard boiled eggs cut into 12 pieces (looked like a lot of food on my plate) and 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese. By the way in my opinion it's always nicer to use a pretty plate and to make the food you prepare esthetically beautiful. I love food that is plated in a beautiful and appealing way.
As Dr. Dukan recommends, I also walked at a fast and sweaty pace on my treadmill for 20 minutes.
Tomorrow, I'll write again.........let's see how today goes.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer recipes

I am guilty ! Of not blogging I'm going to start again......Hope everyone is enjoying the summer !

Here are some refreshing appetizers and a delicious dessert to have for your next BBQ or dinner party.
The first skewer is made of a grape tomato or a 1/2, a slice of cucumber and a chunk of feta cheese.
The 2nd skewer is 1/2 a grape tomato, a small piece of melon wrapped in a little prosciutto, a grape tomato, a mini mozzarella ball, another grape tomato then repeat first 2 steps.
The delicious and ever so tasty dessert I make often (it's a palate pleaser) is individual strawberry cobblers and the recipe is just as

if you have any questions about these recipes or any others please contact me.....Bon Appetit !