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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Down sizing.........

From regular size muffins to mini muffins.............One of my New Year's resolutions.
This recipe is delicious and quick to make. It will surely please all children young and old. Perfect for people on diets too, after all it is about portion control right?
I have no idea how many calories these are I just know that the chocolate chips are definitely an anti oxidant and to me that's worth a lot and probably cancels out most of the calories. In fact any time I can buy and eat chocolate covered dried fruit, I do. Eating fruit daily and chocolate can only contribute to my overall good health. So between down sizing and eating healthy foods, I feel that it's a win win situation. Without much ado, please let me introduce you to my new best friend : Mini chocolate chip muffins AKA naked mini cupcakes. Please let me know how addicted you become once you eat a dozen of these.....

And voila....Bon Appetit !

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