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Sunday, December 12, 2010

why...oh why...?

If I can drink, dance and party like a 20 yr old, why can't I sleep late like one?
that's my question today....

I went to a wonderful party 2 nights ago that someone from my company had organized. There were many young co-workers than there were "older" people, which gave a lot of energy to the party. It reminded me of my disco days (one of my co-workers was a DJ).We ate great food, starting with various cheeses on platters decorated simply with a sprig of rosemary, accompanied by many varieties of olives. As I was sipping my sangria I was dreaming that I was back in Madrid sitting at a cafe people watching. I miss all the tapas bars in Spain ,where olives come with your drink, so I was happy to indulge in tasting them all. The only thing missing was the spit bowl, for the pits. Ever notice the word SPIT has the word PIT in it?  Yes indeed these were REAL olives not want to be olives like the canned ones they sell here. I figured I could just store them in my mouth like a squirrel for a while until someone talked to me or until my mouth was full of pits..."pit"iful...right? After all they are tiny right ?

The Sangria had a beautiful color and tasted amazing, loaded with citrus fruits floating about.The wines were wonderful as well, from Chardonnay to a home made wine, but eventually people were doing shots. One of the guys was making a weird concoction then lighting it. It was basically layered with various liquors which gave it a nice look.They are not not for the faint of heart or stomach. I certainly stayed away. I much preferred to watch people do them, especially the ones that were flambe.....note to oneself, always extinguish flames before pouring down your throat.

As the DJ played his music hips were gyrating to the beat of the music, we "in the not 20 anymore" group tried our best to keep up with the music that was mostly foreign to our ears, all while trying not to injure ourselves or look like complete idiots dancing.  I truly believe that the National association of orthopedists would have been proud of us. Too bad we had never heard that type of music before......but we made it seem like we did this every Friday night ! There were many songs that I recognized but that had been totally modified. I think I should have had a little more to drink to render my body more flexible.
It was a great night spent getting to know co-workers that I normally would not have gotten to know because we are always "running around" and usually only have small conversation when time permits.
I am off to go buy some sort of orthopedic shoes that I might be able to dance with instead of the 4 inch heels I wore, because I look forward to our next meet, greet, eat, drink, dance and be merry evening out.

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