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Thursday, August 1, 2013

I love escargots !

Day 14 : Dr. Dukan diet

Slower than an escargot being chased by a chef !
All the thyroid tests have proven that I have a very lazy metabolism. you see, I wasn't using it as an excuse after all...
 I have worked so very hard for the past 2 weeks at not having any cookies, cakes, starchy vegetables, or alcohol and yet have only lost 6 LBS. Yes I'm healthier and yes I don't crave any carbohydrates at all. Although a small bag of oreos would be a nice treat....just kidding (well not really).
This diet makes sure you aren't hungry at all. I can eat as much protein as I want and on the alternate days where I can eat vegetables, I really go to town. In fact the day after my protein-vegetable day I always show a 1 LB weight gain. They say it's normal because the vegetables hold a lot of water. I try not to be discouraged when I step on the scale, but being human and who I am, I cannot deny that it has happened.
I admit that this is the first time I have not veered off, a diet. Even at parties and dinners with friends I have stuck to it faithfully. I'm ok with this....really.
I actually do have some sweets....for example the Dukan muffins and pancakes (galettes). They seem to satisfy me just as much as a piece of chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache dripping down the sides.
Ok, so I'm lying. Please forgive me.
After the initial 4-5 days, called the attack phase I started alternating as the plan calls for: vegetable + protein day then a pure protein day and so forth and so on. This will continue until I lose all the weight I want to lose. After that I'll enter 2 more phases which will slowly allow fruits and other carbohydrates into this day to day living diet plan.
I was thinking this morning, while on the treadmill that I really should have been born in an a very wealthy family. It would have been just as easy to get my jaws wired temporarily and go to Bora Bora until the wires came off. Then spend another month there eating fresh fish and local vegetables. I think I would have been cured of the illness that they call Food Addiction ! I doubt they use additives and preservatives over there. And I'm pretty sure I'd start meditating while sitting on a beach staring out into turquoise water.
Well, that's it for today. I need to go devour some chicken.